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What Is the YouTube Algorithm?

A close-up of a computer screen displaying a search bar with the word "Youtube" typed into it.

Do you have a YouTube channel that you’re wanting to grow? Have you heard of the YouTube algorithm and are you wanting to learn more about it? If any of these questions apply to you, this post is for you!

The YouTube algorithm is a system within YouTube that tracks a user’s interactions and searches on the website. The YouTube algorithm is what produces suggestions that the viewer is more likely to watch based on their watch and search history, thus increasing their interactions on the website.

If you would like to learn more about what the YouTube Algorithm is and how it works, keep reading!

The Goal of the YouTube Algorithm

The YouTube algorithm is a large component in why YouTube is so successful. Many people go to YouTube in search of an answer to a question, to find a how-to video, or just for entertainment. It would be extremely easy for someone to quickly search for what they needed, watch the video, and then leave. YouTube has realized this and has created an algorithm to provide opportunities for the viewer to get the answer they are searching for and then some. They want to give the person the answer they came for and then encourage them to return and visit their site again by suggesting additional videos that are also applicable to their search.

People naturally want to be understood, and having video content that is geared towards them and their interests is the way that YouTube has created millions of loyal subscribers to millions of channels across the website. People keep returning because this platform can provide not only direct answers for questions they may have or content they may want, but it also will make suggestions that will interest them as well that they didn’t even know they wanted in the first place.

Trending Page Algorithm

When you create a YouTube account, you are prompted to share your country’s location. One of the purposes of inputting this information is it allows the Trending page to display the trending videos that are in that region. It is important to understand that none of the videos that are put on the Trending page are sponsored. They are always on the trending page because of the organic interactions that the video has acquired.

Some of the types of videos that are frequently seen on the Trending page are either newly released music videos or trailers for upcoming movies. These tend to have large amounts of views and other interactions like likes and comments that grow at a significant rate, meaning that the video is reaching a lot of people fast. If you have a goal to have one of your videos from your channel appear on the Trending page, make sure you are creating content that can reach and appeal to a wide variety of audiences. This will help more people see the video in their suggestions and boost users’ interactions with the video.

Search Results Algorithm

When you type a question or statement into the search bar on YouTube, the search results will show results according to the keywords you entered. After the search results have appeared, you can scroll down and see videos that are applicable to the keywords that you searched. While the first few videos that are at the top of that list may seem like they are applicable from either the title or the thumbnail, it is important to read the description box. That is, in fact, what the description box is for—it will give a brief rundown of the information covered in the video.

In this description, you should include keywords that are likely to be searched regarding this topic. It is important to be specific and relevant; you should not add words just to have a higher word count. Finding success with keywords and search results is a quality over quantity mindset. This will not only ensure that those who are searching find what they are looking for, but also increase the chances your video will be in the top rankings when people search for those specific keywords.

Subscriber Algorithm

The benefit of subscribing to a YouTube channel is that when that creator uploads new content, you are able to view that content easily on your subscriptions page. This is helpful if you are subscribed to multiple channels to keep all of the new content organized and readily available to watch. Creators want subscribers so they can increase the traffic on their channel, and increase their chances of being suggested to more users that aren’t already subscribed to their channel.

The YouTube algorithm uses what’s called “view velocity”, which is a tracker that measures the number of your subscribers that watch your video soon after it’s been uploaded. The higher a video’s view velocity is, the better chance it has to rank higher and to be suggested for more viewers, including those who aren’t currently subscribers.

The benefit of the video reaching those who aren’t current subscribers is twofold. One benefit is that it allows more people have the opportunity to run into your video, giving them the chance to click on the video and actually watch it. Placing the video in people’s scrolling path makes it more likely to be watched rather than if they hadn’t seen it at all. The second benefit is a result of the first, being that the more interactions viewers have with your content, the more likely they are to subscribe to your channel if your content is aligned with their interests.

How to Work with the YouTube Algorithm

While there is no surefire way to avoid the ways the YouTube algorithm can decrease the amount of interaction your videos get, there are some tips that you can focus on even when things don’t go as planned. One point is to focus on creating content that is geared towards your target audience instead of trying to create blanket content that covers everyone. Another point is to use multiple word tags in your description box. This will allow your keywords to do “double-duty” in appearing when those keywords are searched.

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